Encounters with celebrities

This page describes some of Lieven L. Litaer's most interesting encounters with well-known people. For a complete list of his experiences, see also “References” and also the page about the “TV appearance".

Marc Okrand

The number of meetings with the inventor of the Klingon language Marc Okrand can no longer be expressed in numbers. They have regular contact and regularly exchange ideas outside of Klingon-related events. This photo was taken at the Saarschleife, one of the most famous places in Saarland.

Kaya Yanar

In the TV show "Are you looking?! - Kaya's big cinema show"he not only met the presenter Kaya Yanar backstage, but was also able to chat comfortably with Bülent Ceylan and Henning Baum. In the actual show he was able to teach them a little Klingon.

Bülent Ceylan

Before Kaya Yanar's show (see above) he was able to chat comfortably with Bülent Ceylan.

Die Discovery-Crew

During the promotional event in London in November 2017, to which Litaer was invited, he had the opportunity to meet some of the actors of Star Trek: Discovery, namely Jason Isaacs, Sonequa Martin-Green, Shazad Latif and producer Aaron Harberts. Unfortunately, since the series hadn't aired in its entirety at that point, he couldn't talk to them about details, nor could the actors know that he was entitled to know details about the series that no one else knew.

Due to his special status as a translator of the Klingon subtitles, the Netflix representative enabled him to take this unique photo, which for him represents a special memory of this time.

Oliver Kalkofe

While promoting Netflix in London in November 2017, Litaer was tasked with teaching Oliver Kalkofe a few phrases in Klingon, which he could then use during his interview with the actors.

Oliver Pocher

In March 2017, Litaer was invited as an expert for the celebrity special of the quiz show “5 Gegen Jauch” to solve one of the quiz questions. He was able to spontaneously translate some interesting sentences to the moderator Oliver Pocher. Unfortunately, there is no photo of Pocher wearing a strange costume that completely covered him.

Lena Liebkind

In preparation for her participation in the Miss Klingon Pageant 2017, Litaer was able to teach rising comedienne Lena Liebkind a little Klingon.

The program could only be seen on a pay channel.

Stefan Raab

Litaer achieved his first major TV appearance when he was invited to Stefan Raab's entertainment program TV total in February 2013. He was able to cleverly counter Raab's initial skepticism and was able to do so quickly convince that Klingon is more than just a simple game for nerds. Due to his obviously great interest, Stefan Raab exceeded the planned broadcast time, so that the conversation continued until the end credits.


John G. Hertzler

During FedCon 2012, Litaer conducted several interviews with attendees and guests and had the opportunity to have a long conversation with Martok actor John G. Hertzler.

Gowron und Martok

At FedCon 2013 in Düsseldorf, Litaer had the opportunity to take a photo with two of the most important Klingon characters from the Star Trek universe. Nothing special for outsiders; For a fan it's just a dream.